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Magnolia, NJ 08049

A/C Unit Tune Ups: When to Get One and Why

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During the warmer months, a comfortable home has never been more important. As a responsible homeowner, it’s time to start preparing your home to make sure it’s cool for the summer. And there’s no part of that preparation more important than your AC unit. If it’s not properly maintained, the unit could malfunction or break, leaving you in a home that’s hot or humid.  So, what should you do to tune up your A/C Unit? When is an A/C tune-up necessary? What does an A/C tune up involve?

What is an A/C tune up?

With a tune up, a skilled technician will conduct an in-depth inspection of each A/C unit of your home. For any issues they find, they will either do an on the spot fix, or will schedule a follow-up appointment if they need more parts or preparation. This includes going through your ductwork for obstructions, evaluating your blower motor and belt, looking for damaged or worn down components, checking coolant levels and testing safety controls, refrigerant pressure, and thermostat calibration.

They’ll also clean and calibrate the device, cleansing your condenser coils, testing the responsiveness of your thermostat, and replacing your filter.

You should get an A/C tune up at least once a year, ideally in the spring.

Is an A/C tune up worth it?

An A/C tune up is low-cost and very quick, and they’re much cheaper than a broken A/C unit, which can mean costly repairs or a full replacement. And without a proper evaluation, that breakdown can come as a complete surprise, leaving you stuck in a muggy home.A tune up is also going to save you a lot of money in long-term expenses – a fully functional A/C unit is much cheaper to r

un than one that’s malfunctioning, dirty, or worn down.

Energy Efficiency

Tuning up your A/C unit means that it will take much less power to run, saving you money every day you use it. If your A/C unit is dirty or working with a malfunctioning part, the system will have to struggle to get your home to the temperature you want. And since temperature makes up half of the utility bills on average, you’re looking at massive savings for the summer.

Better Cooling Control

Have you ever found that one room of your house is sweltering while another is ice cold? Or have you found yourself constantly adjusting your thermostat as the temperature drops and rises? An inefficient A/C unit is your most likely culprit. If it’s struggling, it will see dips and rises in efficiency, or inefficiently circulate air throughout your home.

To prepare your home for summer, you need an experienced technician who can expertly diagnose your A/C unit and get it functioning at full efficiency. At Vaughan, we have the expertise and comprehensive customer service to service your cooling system quickly and efficiently.

Contact us today for more information!

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NJ LIC. NO.13VH01727600
Robert W. Vaughan,
Master HVACR Contractor Lic. # 5842
Thomas J. Weaver,
Master Plumber Lic # 9521

Contact Info
212 Barrett Avenue
Magnolia, NJ 08049

© Vaughan Comfort Services